3 years ago

Talent Acquisition

One Talent Acquisition community you need to be a part of in 2022.

January 5, 2022


Simon Valentine

Do you want to know the one Talent Acquisition community you need to be a part of in 2022?

As I got towards the end of last year I started to reflect on what the year 2021 was and what goals I wanted to achieve in 2022.

2021 was a tough year for many people and for many different reasons. From a professional perspective, I had to deal with things in the Talent Acquisition space that haven’t had to deal with in my whole career.

I got through it like many others but it could have been achieved a lot easier. I had great support from those around me although sometimes you need support from people that might be in a different industry or geography who are facing the same challenges but are coming at problems from a different perspective.

I started to speak to a number of people in Talent Acquisition before the holidays both within and outside my network to get a sense of what they felt was missing for them in 2021.

The main theme was that many of them felt they were missing the ability for them to collaborate, share and discuss some of the key challenges and opportunities with peers in the Talent Acquisition industry.

So based on this research (although my sample is small, it aligns with what I felt was missing for me in 2021) I have decided to work with a number of people to create a community and environment to help foster collaboration, sharing and conversations for Talent Acquisition professionals.

If you are interested to learn more, follow us at TA Exchange Linkedin Company Page or add your email via this link TA Exchange Website to be kept updated.

PS: If you want to play a more active role in creating this TA Exchange community please send me a message so we can discuss further.

Simon Valentine

#TalentAcquisition #Community #2022